Step 6.5: Watch 13th on Netflix. Today.
Like the exhausted school teacher who wheels in the television and VCR to show a movie (showing my age with that reference I'm sure), I am tired y'all.
I'm taking a day off of posting to really catch my bearings, re-center my thinking, and give all of you interested in real solutions to inequality a chance to better understand one of the cornerstone, underlying issues driving that inequality. As presented by some of the finest thinkers our nation has on race.
We watched 13th last night, and even as a black man who has illusions of being "informed" I will never look at the relationship America has had with her black citizens the same way again.
If you've watched it, please feel free to share some thoughts below. If you haven't watched it yet, or are "planning to get around to it soon" please move it up on your queue.
Tomorrow we're back for Step 7: Inequality is Inequality